
We understand that people volunteer for a variety of reasons: from making a positive contribution, to learning new skills.  Whatever your reasons, we wish to support you and ensure you gain value from your time spent with us.

Volunteers can make an organisation more representative of the local community. We are always looking to involve people from differing backgrounds, ages, cultures, genders and we encourage new ideas and fresh approaches.

To support the work we do, we have a range of volunteering roles.

Current vacancies:

  • The Mission Cafe
  • HM Clothes Store
  • Activities & Events support
  • Voluntary Fundraising Committee

We also offer placement for College and University Students.

If you are interested in volunteering at Huddersfield Mission please complete the form below.

If you have any further questions you can call 01484 421461 or email info@huddersfieldmission@org.uk

Clothing Donations

We regularly give out clothing to our customers. Find out what we need here. 

Fundraise For Us

Go on a Mission! How will you challenge yourself? 

Group Fundraising

Can your business, organisation or community group help? 

Regular Giving

Becoming a regular monthly giver is one of the best ways you can support our customers. 

Becoming a regular monthly supporter is one of the best ways you can support our customers. 

Volunteer enquiry

Which volunteering role or roles are you interested in?


Communication preferences

Huddersfield Mission is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1156590 at 3 - 13, Lord Street, Huddersfield HD1 1QA
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